苏普玉,男,1980年出生,安徽肥东人,医学博士,教授,博士生导师,美国约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)访问学者。2002年6163银河线路检测中心妇幼卫生专业本科毕业留校任教,现任6163银河线路检测中心儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系副主任。中华预防医学会儿少卫生分会青春期学组委员,安徽省预防医学会委员兼秘书,安徽省预防医学会儿少卫生专业委员会委员,安徽省妇幼保健协会儿童保健专业委员会,《中国学校卫生》杂志编委。
本人先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,中国疾病预防控制中心达能营养中心膳食营养研究与宣教基金2项,省部级科研课题4项,以第二参与人参加国家自然科学基金项目3项。以第一作者和通讯作者发表学术论文80余篇,其中一类期刊论文28篇,SCI/SSCI论文16篇,其中一篇发表于J Clin Endocrinol Metab杂志论文被New Engl J Med、BMJ-Brit Med J、Lancet Diabetes Endo等知名期刊引用超过150余次。先后作为副主编和编委参加10余部教材和专著的撰写,本人撰写总字数超过100万。主持和参与获省部级以上教学与科研奖励10余项。先后被评为6163银河线路检测中心中青年学术技术带头人、安徽省教坛新秀、6163银河线路检测中心“十佳教师”、6163银河线路检测中心“最受学生欢迎教师教学奖”(提名奖)。主持颁发了中华人民共和国卫生行业标准--《学生军训卫生安全规范》。指导以本科生为第一作者发表学术论文20余篇,其中6篇一类期刊;指导大学生获得安徽省大学生创新、创业计划竞赛特等奖和金奖各1次,获得国家级大学生创新、创业计划竞赛三等奖2次。目前在研国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,研究方向主要为儿童青少年发育与行为医学。
【3】国家自然科学基金面上项目,81573163,下丘脑PcG蛋白关键基因启动子区甲基化在联结孕期双酚A暴露与女童青春期发育提前中的作用,2016/01- 2017/12,已结题。
【1】Li-Ru Chen, Geng-Fu Wang, Guo-Die Xie , Yang He, Shan-Shan Chen, Meng-Yuan Yuan, Jun-Jie Chang, Yong-Han Li, Pu-Yu Su(通讯作者). Association between sexual abuse victimization during the life course and suicidal behaviors in male and female college students in China: Timing, duration, types and patterns. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021, 280: 30-38.【SCI/SSCI, IF=4.839】
【2】Jun-Jie Chang, Yan Ji, Yong-Han Li, Hai-Feng Pan, Pu-Yu Su(通讯作者). Prevalence of anxiety symptom and depressive symptom among college students during COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021, 292: 242–254.【SCI/SSCI, IF=4.839】
【3】Guo-Die Xie, Jun-Jie Chang, Meng-Yuan Yuan, Geng-Fu Wang, Yang He, Shan-Shan Chen, Pu-Yu Su(通讯作者). Childhood abuse and borderline personality disorder features in Chinese undergraduates: the role of self-esteem and resilience. BMC Psychiatry, 2021, 21:326.【SCI, IF=3.630】
【4】Jun-Jie Chang,Yan Ji, Yong-Han Li,Meng-Yuan Yuan,Pu-Yu Su(通讯作者). Childhood trauma and depression in college students: Mediating and moderating effects of psychological resilience. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 2021, 65: 102824.【SCI, IF=3.534】
【5】Geng-Fu Wang, A-Zhu Han, Guo-Bao Zhang, Nuo Xu, Guo-Die Xie, Li-Ru Chen, Meng-Yuan Yuan, Pu-Yu Su(通讯作者). Sensitive periods for the effect of bullying victimization on suicidal behaviors among university students in China: the roles of timing and chronicity. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020, 268: 12-19.【SCI/SSCI, IF=4.839】
【6】Pu-Yu Su, Geng-Fu Wang, Guo-Die Xi, Li-Ru Chen, Shan-Shan Chen, Yang He. Life course prevalence of bullying among university students in mainland China: A multi-university study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2020, DOI: 10.1177/0886260520963709.【SSCI, IF=6.144】
【7】Su PY, Wang GF, Ren HY, Chen LR, Zhang GB, Sun Y. Gender differences in the relationships between pubertal stages and the perpetration of self-inflicted and interpersonal violence among middle school students in China. Biomed Environ Sci, 2020, 33(6): 464-469.【SCI, IF=3.118】
【8】Wang GF, Jiang L, Wang LH, Hu GY, Fang Y, Yuan SS, Wang XX, SuPY(通讯作者). Examining Childhood Maltreatment and School Bullying Among Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study From Anhui Province in China. J Interpers Violence. 2019, 34(5):980-999.【SSCI, IF=6.144】
【9】Zhang Guo-Bao, Wang Geng-Fu, Han A-Zhu, Xu Nuo, Xie Guo-Die, Chen Li-Ru, Su Pu-Yu(通讯作者). Association between different stages of precollege school bullying and murder-related psychological behaviors among college students in Anhui Province, China. Psychiatry Research, 2019, 282: 112593.【SCI/SSCI, IF=3.222】
【10】Geng-Fu Wang, A-Zhu Han, Guo-Bao Zhang, Nuo Xu, Guo-Die Xie, Li-Ru Chen, Pu-Yu Su(通讯作者).The association between childhood physical disability or long-term health problems and depression among adolescents in China: Mediating effect of childhood maltreatment. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 2019,46:105-110.【SCI, IF=3.534】
【11】Su PY,Wang GF, He H, Han AZ, Zhang GB, Xu N. Is involvement in school bullying associated with increased risk of murderous ideation and behaviours among adolescent students in China? BMC Psychiatry, 2019,19(1):121.【SCI, IF=3.630】
【12】Su Pu-Yu, Han A-Zhu, Wang Geng-Fu, Wang Lu-Han, Zhang Guo-Bao, Xu Nuo, Xu Geng Is childhood maltreatment associated with murderous ideation and behaviors in adolescents in China? Psychiatry Research, 2018, 270: 467-473.【SCI/SSCI, IF=3.222】
【13】Han A, Wang G, Xu G, Su P(通讯作者). A self-harm series and its relationship with childhood adversity among adolescents in mainland China: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry, 2018, 18(1):28.【SCI, IF=3.630】